Wednesday, August 5, 2009


And I'm not talking Bebe like that store at the mall where I used to be able to fit my former self into some scandalous clothing for a night out on the town!
I'm talking "BEBE" as in "Baby Girl" as in the little one coming our way in just a few short weeks!!!

Things are starting to fall into place - Theres a big crib in what used to be a really cool guest room, there's a cradle in our room that Maggie thinks belongs just to her, there's a pack and play in our living room, and a PIMPED OUT stroller in our dining room!!

We had our first baby shower on Sunday, and in a matter of a couple short hours our house has been overrun by All Things Baby!

I'll post about the shower later this week - I unfortch didn't take my camera, so the picture taking was left up to the Nana to be - so I'll have to show her how to upload them when I'm in Hickory this weekend.

Can't wait to show you all the cool new stuff we got!

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