Michael and I are pretty cool parents, and we decided that even though Maggie had only been with us for a little less than a week, we would let her host her very first slumber party!
Bailey was cool though, and took it all in stride. Especially when the grandparents came for a visit and spent all day and night making sure that each dog had equal playtoys, equal treat consumption, and round the clock belly rubs.
Bailey took this opportunity to capitalize on some one-on-one time with Nana Vickie - she's the main supplier of the chew toys and rawhide treats.
AND - did I mention that Maggie already has a boyfriend? Oh, yes. It's a long distance romance with Higgins - a boxer from Hickory. He is so sweet on Mags that he sent her a doggie bed and a stuffed animal for her to cuddle with! Dude - Higs is a total playa! He really knows how to work it with the ladies! Heres Maggie snuggling with her valentine gift in her sweet new bed!
Spoiled Rotten. Yes, she sure is!
OH.MY.GOSH. Can I have a pend the night party with Mags???!!!
I want to come to the next slumber party too!!
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