Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tobacco Road Rivalry - Its not just for ballers anymore

Everyone has heard all the ESPN analysts go on and on regarding the "Tobacco Road Rivalry" between all the triangle area colleges during basketball season. Well, this past weekend gave a whole new meaning to that rivalry...

A few months ago, Michael and I decided we would train for a half marathon together. We've each run one before, we had just never trained or run one together.

I ran one a couple years ago after training with my good friends, Heather and Ashely, and finished with a pretty respectable 2:35 - not bad for my first big distance run, and not bad considering it was the City of Oaks course from hell. After that race, I decided I was done. Done with the training runs EARLY on Saturday mornings, done with the crappy runs when it was either freezing cold or hotter than 40 hells outside, and done with the shin splints and sore feet. DONE I tell you! FINISHED! Checked that goal off the list!

Then along comes Mr. Martin. Who without really even training, ran the OBX half this fall and beat my time by about 5 minutes.

Oh hell to the no! I'm super competitive when it comes to exercising with Michael. I want to run farther than him, run faster than him, and overall just beat the snot out of him. (I think it's the whole girls vs. guys thing)

So we decided to train and run the Tobacco Road Half Marathon. Together. As a couple. And see who would win bragging rights this go round.

DAMMIT - He beat me. By 2 minutes and 58 seconds. So he's all, "Yeah, I beat you by 3 minutes" Oh no, mister, you beat me by 2 minutes and 58 seconds.
So, we'll let him have the win this time, but just know that I'm training harder, running faster, and next time, I've totally got the "W".
And I look way cuter in a foil pashmina (thanks Lis, for styling this shoot)...
Heres the speed racers drinking a well deserved beer after the run. That's Bentley on the right. He beat both the Martins by about 30 minutes - YOU GO BOY!!!