Bailey took this opportunity to capitalize on some one-on-one time with Nana Vickie - she's the main supplier of the chew toys and rawhide treats.
Spoiled Rotten. Yes, she sure is!
A country girl in the capital city, this is my life at a glance!
Spoiled Rotten. Yes, she sure is!
The funniest part about me babysitting for her was that all day long, I had put her diaper on backwards. Her poor Mom had to pull me aside and let me know that the tabs go in the front, not in the back. I was so freaking embarrassed. Clearly, I have no business having a child of my own. I don't even know how to work a diaper!! I bet all day, that poor baby was like - "Dude! I'm so uncomfortable!!! Can you please get my drawers on right??!?"
Oh well, doesn't look like my lack of parenting skills kept her from snoozing the day away - look how SWEET!!!
And here's our newest little neighbor, Reese. So sweet, and she doesn't even mind if Michael holds her!
Absolutely PRECIOUS!! I can't wait for us to have a house full of our own!